Hey my buddies!
So here is my official update of the blog. I had a great weekend! But right now i feel very sorry for rebecca, paul and madeline because they are all super super sick. I just say: gastro-enteritis. and since i am very sensitive for that too i really hope that i will not get it! BUt we will see. I am just obtained because madeline is right now in the hospital because she didn't stopped to throw up!
Okay. But still here are the other news of my weekend!
Friday was the time for the next footballgame. Army vs. Rutgers. One of the really hard teams (for west point) THis time i haven't been on post early because i worked until 5pm and i also went to the game together with jasmin and she also worked longer. But i wasn't that sad about that, because i already saw the parade 3 times and thw weather was horrible! We had our first SNOW!!! Can you believe that?! i haven't recognized that, because i am still not that familiar with the temperature in fahrenheit ;) 34 always seemed to me pretty okay, but since i know that 32° F are like 0°C i understood what that meant... Then to the game! It was just freeeeeeeezing, rainy/snowy and all together extremely cold! And in addition to that my favourite team (west point, of course *g*) wasn't not good at all! After the 3rd Quarter jasmin and i left the game, because it was just too cold and we didn't want to be sick for our trip the next day! But i called lawrence when the game was finished and he told me that army lost the game 6 to 41 !!! To big suffering for such a big fan like me ;) But it was still a good experience to go to a miserable game (weather and the fact that we lost the game) and to see all those cadets again!
Taty, you are a true West Point football fan to sit through a game with such bad weather and the footbaLL team is not very good. Hope you had a great weekend in D.C. We will be visiting shortly. I am looking forward to musical munchkins with Madeline and you. Love