So on Thanksgiving, we arrived home arround 2pm. BUt there is a "funny" story before i will tell you more about our great lunch/dinner-Thanksgiving meal :) So because of all our bags i had been totally focused on my dad and that we can just get out of the train i forgot abbout my second bag! I needed to put it on one of those storage places over your head, so it was out of my view!!! So my bag was in the train and me and my dad almost on the way out when i recognized it!!! Too late! So i called immediately the lost and found hotline that somebody should get my bag. But that was not so easy! Anyways i left them all my informations and they told me that i will probably able to pick the bag up (in case it will be found) on grand central station (new york city) some day next week! Great! Everything like my favourite and new clothes, make-up, new york city guides,CELLPHONECHARGER, WINTUK TICKETS!!! had been in there!!! The thing was at the very beginning i thought that in this bag would be just clothes, but while living you recognize what's missing *lol+ (especially wintuk tickets for the show on the weekend! and cellphonecharger!) Okay, but after that first shock we concentrated on celebrating thanksgiving, because i had been really optimistic that they will find my bag!
for the meal we arrived really perfectly on time! 10 more minutes to go and the great food (turkey!!!) was ready! My dad was really stressed and overwhelmed the very first time, because that had been then surprisingly (for him *lol*) to many american people ;) And they all want to say hi and talk to him... MAN far too much for the start ;) but after a while everythign was fine! and we had been ready to start! rebecca prayed and then we started to eat: turkey (one from the grill and one traditional one), stuffing, sweat potatoe, cranberry-jello-sauce, beans, Brussels sprouts salad (pretty good, because not bitter at all, because it wasn't cooked) and many much more... ALl delicious! Some time later then we also had some pie (apple pie, pumpkin pie and pecan pie) and enjoyed it a lot! Yeah and that was pretty much it. We talked, played a lot and some of those other people planned their thanksgiving shopping for the black friday! Dad went with all the guys downstairs to watch a footballgame and all the commercials! v3ery funny! Some time then kate also arrived and we played this "GAME" to tell 5 things what we are thankful of, except the family. That was a pretty nice thing to do! At night we just fell into bed...
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