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Extremely Surprising Surprise & Atlanta Part Two

Last night something happened that completely caught me off guard! It had been a rough day and I felt a little off (for no reason, maybe I can blame it on the weather :) ). So Evelyn and Mike decided to take me out to a German restaurant close by. It was so delicious and the best part was that I was able to take a sip of home by drinking a "Schlenkerla Doppelbock". All of the sudden I hear my name (thinking that drinking a beer isn't be best idea if you usually don't drink that much) and who do I see? Will!!! Will?? Really? What is happening? But yes, it is Will a friend of mine that spend his year abroad in Bamberg, Germany! He doesn't even live close to Johns Creek, but yes, that's certainly him! 

What a nice/freaky surprise, or? 

Only happened to me once before: At a Starbucks in Grand Central Station in Manhattan. I turned around and see my former classmate! I am still trying to understand how things like this happen. It was definitely the highlight of the day! 

Enough of the sentimental talk :) Here part two of our trip to Atlanta!

Think outside the box! ATL = Atlanta playground at Woodroff park 

Feel the breeeeeze? Taking the train was a refreshing thing to do!

Roses at the Martin Luther King Jr. World Rose Garden. This beauty respresents Mrs. Coretta Scott King's oneness with Dr. King and her continuation of his work. Interested to read more about it? 

Vivid piece of art in front of the museum showcasing the problems that Martin Luther King Jr. - with the help of other people - were fighting!

Talking about a hero! Magnificent view, isn't it? Somewhere between Auburn Avenue and Edgewood Avenue

Blue sky, rain, blue sky? This is a very strange summer!

Famous FOX theatre in Midtown. It is such a pretty/old school theatre which intrigues me to book tickets for the next 20 weekends in advance :)

After a very long day of walking around and digesting all the information. It was time for an early dinner. Panera Bread was our choice. Nothing fancy, however it sparked our senses anyways :)

Back at home! Look at my new tan! Even though it is raining every now and then and I apply SPF 30 all the time, my skin still gets this gloomy look that I don't mind! 

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