Hey guys!
Now i am finally also sick. It started two days ago with Diarrhea and i wasn't really in the mood to eat anything. But that was not too bad. But then yesterday my stomache was going crazy and i felt like i want to throw up and i also had my typical "egg-burb" what usually means that i have to throw up. Anyways,... nothing happened except that my last night was just horrible. I couldn't move without that my belly was hurting, i got a fever(or at least i was hot and cold and hot and cold) and i tried to throw up. But since i haven't eaten that much, it was not working. So today rebecca stayed at home because i really felt miserable. Headache, belly hurts, dizzyness when walking... so not nice at all. BUt the worst thing about that is that i usually wanted to go with Lawrence tonight to a concert in west point (dave matthews band) i haven't heard of them but they must be super popular and comparable to santana (age *loL* and success)! So i am pretty mad that i have to be sick !!! And i finally just wanted to go, but rebecca thought that it is not a great idea... So this day was pretty much just sleeping, so that i missed madelines birthday. But it wasn't her official party and she was very whining today too! But i have some good news ;) rebeccas parents just arrived and it is really nice to see them, althought when i am almost to weak to talk to them or to spend time with them. Hopefully tomorrow everything is getting better! love you! bye bye *taty*
hey.. danke für die e-mail adresse..hoffe du wirst schnell wieder gesund!bis bald.. big hug jenny
ReplyDeletehey Taty. das hört sich ja nicht so gut bei dir an. Hier geht im moment die Grippe welle rum und viele sind krank. Mich hats zum Glück noch nicht erwischt. Wünsche dir gute Besserung. Dienstag kommt ja schon dein Papi. hoffe du bist bis dahin wieder fit. Lieben Gruß und Kuss Pia
ReplyDeleteOhje, das hört sich ja wirklich gar nicht gut an. Wünsch dir auch eine gute Besserung!
Liebe Grüsse Claudia