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Graduation - Saturday, michie stadium , ceremony

After playing twister until the end of night at Anton's on the lake. we got probably around 5 hours of sleep until we got back up to get ready for graduation. THere was the ceremony going on in michie stadium (that's where also all those footballgames took place) where lawrence got his diploma. It was a lot of waiting (we got there around 7am and the cermony got done around 12) but the weather was surprisingly perfect and the hat toss was fun to watch :) ( so just that you know what i am talking about: the weather was supposed to be terrible. Thunderstorms bad rain etc. but in the end it was warm and just at the end it started to rain. BUt that also stopped after 10 minutes again, so that we could do the bar pinning outside! )> see post above

and here they come...

... all the graduates!

Lawrence dad

brooklyn and me

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