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Wine, wine, wine...

Lawrence and I have the tradition to splurge every now and then and to open one of our "real good" bottles of wines. (this time we were celebrating my new job, apartment and our upcoming trip to London!!) In my point of view the memories that we re-live by drinking it are the best about this. As some of you know, my boyfriend lived in northern Italy for 3 years and it was always a pleasure to escape rainy Germany in order to enjoy the very relaxed lifestyle of the italians. While Lawrence was at work I sat in my favorite café, studying italian and usually having hilarious encounters with mid 40/50 year old handsome and charming men who sat down next to me to share a glass of prosecco. (treat on them)We often had conversations for hours without really understanding what the other person said, but exactly THAT was the beauty of it. I guess "having a good time" is a thing that doesn't need a common language. 

The wine that we shared last night reminded us of our very spontaneous road trip that started at IKEA and ended in the most beautiful vineyards in northern italy. After a little shopping trip to IKEA, we went to Venice to stroll around a little. Little did we know that we would end up in a wine bar which had books about the best italian wineries in it. Of course we took some pictures of our favorite places (as far as we were able to judge) and started planning the trip we wanted to go on (I admit that the wine that we consumed convinced us even more to actually do it…) 

The next day we put it into google maps and realized that we would also pass Parma (where Parma ham comes from) and would go places we usually wouldn't have gone. We were sold. We packed our mattress into the mini van and headed out. La Spinetta, Gaja and some other wineries were on the to-do list. (we weren't able to get into Gaja though :( Lawrence was really upset, as that was his favorite one! Only private tours allowed, as it is SO exclusive) Other highlights of the trip were: getting drunk at a wine tasting (italians aren't messing around. You are "sampling" a glass per wine and year… Ja…) not able to drive to the next stop and having to park in a hill in the middle of nowhere. Brushing teeth without water and having the best parma ham in Parma at a Michelin Star restaurant (where the cook comes out with a little wagon presenting us the varieties of cheeses that go with the Parma). Oh and getting lost as our GPS didn't really know the roads as well as it pretended… 

Drinking that wine last night made me realize that I would really like to know and appreciate the different wines even more. Right now, I can only say that I love the rhino of La Spinetta as their logo :) and really like drinking this wine with a hearty meal. It isn't sour, but rather smooth if you let it breathe for a couple of hours. The Bionzo "Barbera d'Asti Superiore" from 2005 made in Castagnole Lanze was certainly a nice wine. The memories had a stronger effect on me though as the wine itself. I can't wait to be able to appreciate good wine even more… 

Love this idea. It will definitely be able to help me pick out a new wine in the future… (or to try new ones overall!!)

Happy wine tasting everyone!

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