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Our relationship with our iPhone!

(Selfie with my phone. Yes! I admit, I was also used my phone)

Weekend! Time to relax, spend some QUALITY time with friends or your significant other. Yesterday I had a little date with myself after work. It was amazing. Strolling around Düsseldorf, trying on some dresses, enjoying a coffee and watching people. I certainly saw a lot of couples or friends all over the city. 

For a second I wanted to be "a couple" again as well, until I realized that EVERY SINGLE couple at Starbucks was looking at their phone rather than their partner. It makes you wonder what watsapp and Co forced us to become. We are always available and connected to everyone, but somehow miss the opportunity to enjoy "real" conversation that isn't disturbed by a beep, vibration or the inner urge/need to check our phones. It is hilarious to see that our phones rarely get the time to rest while we are out and about. 

I don't want to say that it is a bad thing to use a smartphone or to contact another friend to join us for coffee or to meet up afterwards. However, it seems that most of the time real good conversation isn't happening anymore as we can always check if the other person said the right thing (thank you google to go) or we are simply talking to another person that is disturbed by a beeping phone. Silly ideas are stopped right away or aren't even imagined. 

My date with myself made me realize that I may have enjoyed a coffee more than the other people around me. And it also taught me that I have to stop myself from checking the phone all the time when other people are in my presence. :)

Happy cellphone free weekend everyone! 
(I really need to get a camera :) ) 
xx Taty*

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