Also letztes Wochenende war das so lange herbeigewünschte Ringweekend! Und ich muss mal echt sagen es war super genial. Viel Army stuff, viel Spaß, tanzen, essen und neue Leute! Damit ihr nicht ganz durcheinander kommt (und ich auch nicht *lol*) hier erstmal nen kurzer
Überblick des ganzen Weekends:
Friday: 7am-3pm work , 4.30pm lawrence picked me up, 5.30pm start parade & ring ceremony, 7.30pm food at thaylor hotel 11pm arrival hotel & bonfire
Saturday: got up at 7am, walk around the hotel, 10am leaving hotel for going to Cold Spring > 11am breakfast, 1.30pm lawrence dropped me off at home, 140pm-2.50 swimming, 3 hair appointment, 4.30 lawrence picked me up again, we went to his cadet room *lol* (i met his roommaid Daniel), 6.30pm start speeches & food, 9pm we went to eisenhover hall for pictures and dance, 11pm leaving west point, at the hotel bonfire until 2am (for me, because i felt asleep *lol*)
Sunday: got up at 9.30am, we went to Port Jervis for my AuPair Meeting >"Rafting", started around 12, we arrived final destination around 5pm, after that lawrence dropped me off at home again (7pm) and i wanted to update the blog but i just felt aspleep around 8pm while "watching" sex and the city
Taty, it sounds like you had a great weekend with a lot of activities and very little sleep. I hope you enjoyed ring weekend and we loved your gold dress and new hairdo. I think you will need to rest up this week. You might consider going to the United States Open Tennis over the holiday weekend. I think it would be a lot of fun.
ReplyDeleteHallo darling. Me the words are missing. My joy is outsized. I am more firmly conviction, you earned that all. As are you bore you in Germany. I will have to try hard. It yes is still a lot of time. Beautiful texts and give a couple of photographs. I also continue my book writing! Now recover you! I embrace you! I love you! Your daddy.
ReplyDeleteHey du!
ReplyDeleteDas kling ja echt nach einem aufregendem Wochenende. Hoffe du hattest auch so viel Spass, wie es sich anhoert! :D
But we all want more details! What happend @ the Ringceremony? How was your Dinner (Seafood?). Hope y have time to write more, when y wake up! ;D
Love y Daniel