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Playground *FUUUUUUN* and great dinner at Red Ginger!

Hello cuties!

Yesterday was a wonderful day again! The September is really just like a dream! But the Weather forecast at K104 ;) sayed yesterday too that thursday and Friday we might have some thunderstorms, but Weekend again high 80s!!! Wonderful. But now i want to tell you something about madelines and my day yesterday! We had just such a good time with dancing, readind some german books and also of course a little walk to the playground close by and the neighbourhood! On the playground we finally tried all the other funny things! Like the blue slides or a climbing thing ;) Madeline enjoyed it but i think the swing is still her favourite part! Then after a really good session with virginia the "grown ups" ;) got dressed for our due visit a the sushi place red ginger. And what should i say?!? It was delicious and sooo funny, because rebecca really pushed the waiter to bring us more food - FAST ;) It was just so cute. Madeline was great to - no crying! Back home, with big sushi bellys we watched our first serie of dr. house! It was again a wonderful family night! bye bye *Taty*


  1. Taty, I am so glad to have you as a part of our family. Madeline loves all the outings you take her on, also the dancing, swinging, learning German words. Your parents are very fortunate to have such a lovely daughter. We are happy that the weather has cooperated to make your stay here in the United States pleasant. Fall is a great time of the year, with warm days and cool nights and we also have had one of the best summer. I know you like eating at the Red Ginger and both Rebecca and Paul love all the dinners you prepare for them. John and I are looking forward to seeing you in November. Ciao

  2. Anonymous9/28/2007

    i love your ciao ;) And thank you so much. Right now paul and i are planing a real birthdayparty for madeline, because rebecca is not that conviced about that idea (she thinks madeline will not recognize the big party for her *g*) But we will make it!!! I also have already seen a cool monkey cake and monkey decoration out of food ;) o cute.. and we are working on a "babyfriend"-guestlist *haha* it will be great!

  3. Anonymous9/29/2007

    Hi Taty !
    Man werd hier grad ganz neidisch, bei euch strahlt die Sonne und in Ochtrup regnet es schon den ganzen Tag und es sieht so aus als ob sich das auch nicht bessern wird, echt schade heut ist in Ochtrup oktoberfest *brrrrr* Das geht wohl unter *g*
    Werd mich jetzt weiter an meinen uni-aufgaben setzen !!
    Fijn weekend
    Hab dich lieb

  4. Anonymous9/30/2007

    Hey, Schatz

    brauche dringend die Bahndaten.
    Da hier kein Reisebüro mit
    der Bahn oder auch Buslinie ver-
    bindung oder Ahnung hat. Die meinen
    alle ,das Du das besser von dort aus heráusfinden kannst wie die Verbindungen sind.
    Also wenn ich planmäßig um 16:00
    Lande bräuchte ich ebend die nächste Verbindung zu einem Bahnhof von dem Du mich dann Abholen könntest.Aber bitte super
    genau damit ich da dann auch klar komme.

  5. Sind die süß! Sonnenkinder wirklich zum neidisch werden. Aber bist ja du also geht das in Ordnung. Scheint da eigentlich immer die Sonne? Ich bin aber sicher, das der Winter hart wird!
    LG Papa

  6. Sind die süß! Sonnenkinder wirklich zum neidisch werden. Aber bist ja du also geht das in Ordnung. Scheint da eigentlich immer die Sonne? Ich bin aber sicher, das der Winter hart wird!
    LG Papa
