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Great day with madeline and cheeseburger in paradise at night...

Hey buddies!

Yesterday was a pretty long but great day again. Madeline was a early bird(was awake at 6am) and since paul and rebecca had already left home i was with her cuddleing and spending some time in my bed. That was really nice and we both enjoyed it since we haven't seen each other for the whole weekend!!! The rest of the day was flying fast, with therapy, walks, swing/playground time, singing, reading, laundry,... And then also rebecca and paul got back around 5 so i went to the gym! At the gym i called anna again, for asking when they would leave for cheeseburger in Paradise and i was totally shocked because she told me that they probably leave in 20 minutes. So i was rushing out of the gym, jumped into the shower, got dressed (without really drying my hair or something *lol*) and drove to the meeting point. But then nobody was there... but i got a call, that they would be late. Great, all the rush for nothing *lol* but in the end all the girls arrived and we had a wonderful time at the cheeseburger in paradise again ;) And we had been a big crowd again: Lawrence, Ben (picture 2), Tony, OV, Robert(pic 3), Lena (pic4), Jasmin and her boyfriend from germany, Anna (Berlin girl, lives also in newburgh, i played tennis with her the one day*lol*) , Anne, Daniela, Andrea and me. I hope that i now have them all... Tony, Lawrence, OV and also one time Ben performed a song. That was sooo funny ;) I talked a lot to Lena again and enjoyed some time with lawrence. Oh yeah, the guy on the last picture is our karaoke men. He is always there for doing that whole thing and he invited all of us to his house for doing a big house karaoke party. So thats the plan for soon ;) Today is my day off and i will go to the hair salon. Usually i wanted to cut my hair short (like victoria beckham...) but i think i am too scared and i also think that i couldn't do anything with it anymore... but we will see ;) I will definitly get some new highlights *juhu* But pictures after that later! Now i have to go, my yoga class starts in a couple minutes... Have a great day! kiss *taty*


  1. Taty, you have such a busy life that we can't believe you have only been here for a short time. I love your blog and your pictures are great. John and I hope you have a great time in Washington, DC seeing all the sites and monuments and riding on their subway station. I don't think you should cut your hair short but go to shoulder length. Did you really eat a cheeseburger? I thought you only ate fruit. Don't forget the shopping in Washington and go to the North Face shop and buy your vest. Have a great time and we will look forward to seeing all of your Washington pictures. I appreciate your writing your blog in English these day. It easier for us to read. Love

  2. Anonymous10/10/2007

    Hey Ann and John.
    No i didn't had a cheeseburger. I don't like it ;) You really now me already ;) now we are getting ready for d.c.! I will also take my inline skates with me so that i can see as much as possible ;) Then i will maybe meet a friend there tomorrow. (hopefully)
    I think we will call you after the trip ;)
    Take care and i am looking forward to your next visit! (PARTY ***)

  3. Anonymous10/11/2007

    hey taty I also like your blogs in English because I also have to practise my skills ;-)
    I am learning for a philosophy test right now. The test will be tomorrow. you can be really happy that you don't have to learn all those things anymore.
    hugs & kisses Pia

  4. Anonymous10/11/2007

    i now i now :)but asweird as it sounds,i sometimesmiss studying and homework:) But traveling andmeeting people is also a kind of great learningprogress :)i had today a pretty good day in washington d.c. and do you know what?!i will get a vip tour with rebecca and paultrough the white house! I am so looking forward to that!!! Pictures and more news when possible (back at home) *lol* here the computer is not that well working,but at least i can read some comments :)hugs and kisses back!

  5. Hey du Maus, klar das du bei diesen Pensum keine Zeit hast mit deinem alten Papa zu telefonieren. Ich freue mich aber das alles hier zu lesen und zu sehen wie du dein Tagwerk so bestehst. Klasse! Bist wirklich etwaqs ganz besonderes!!!! Liebe Grüße und ein schönes Wochenende!
    Dein Papa!

  6. Anonymous10/12/2007

    Hey dad!
    Du weisst das ich in washington dc bin oder?!

  7. Anonymous10/13/2007

    Hi Taty !
    Hoffe du hast ne schöne Zeit in Washington DC, freu mich schon auf die fotos.
    Ich hab zum Glück jetzt ne Woche VAKANTIE *freu*, muss aber auch nen bischen was für die uni tun:(
    Fijn weekend
    Hab die lieb
    Doei !!
    PS: hab dir ne kurze email geschickt:)
