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I forgot to tell you that before we went to the Tao... We went to Abercrombie and Fitch to shop a little. (usually i planed to buy something for Nicole *g* but in the end i also now have 3 new shirts *hehe*)

So now to tao. It is a kind of sad that my camera was out of battery and i don't have pictures of that place... but everything was a kind of dark (dimmed light) and they had a huge Budha, Koi's, the walls out of brick and just the whole atmosphere was just realxing and chill! so we tried almost every kind of food of the menu. So our table was pretty full... (we had miso soup, sushi, asian green stir fry, salmon, udon noodles, rice...) And it was pretty funny because i thought that my stir fry would be a main dish, but how we figured out it wasn't. ;) but that was really not bad at all because we wanted to split all of the food anyways. And actually lawrences salmon and the sushi had been really good!!! in the end we also had some tea what leaded to a restroom emergency for both of us ;) So we finally went and checked out the restrooms. And that was really impressive too, because those restrooms had been so stylish, with a woman who gaved you soap and your towel, games on each toilet place *loL* and many candles... And all the girls in the restroom had been in such a good mood, so we talked about god and the world.
Jep- and then the day was already over again! The time always flyes... But all in all, SUCH A Good time ;) Oh yeah and you can check the homepage of tao, to see how it looks like :) but otherwise i will definetly go there again and then everybody can see that nice place ;)


  1. Anonymous10/08/2007

    Hallo mein Schatz,
    heute war ich bei Papa und habe
    ein paar Sache für dich abgeben doch dein Packet war schon unterwegs.. hEUL:::
    Aber egal er schickt deine Kleinigkeiten morgen ab ,und ich hoffe
    das Sie gut bei Dir und deiner Familie ankommen.

    Hab dich lieb Mama

    PS. Wenn Du deine Berichte auf deutsch schreibst ,kann ich Sie leichter verstehen.

  2. Anonymous10/08/2007

    haha ;)i will continue in english :) so then you can learn it!

  3. Du kleine Spitz(e)Maus!

  4. Anonymous10/09/2007

    hi taty
    sitz grad in der uni, hab heut projekttag aber die haelfte meiner gruppe ist schon weg, sitz hier noch mit aday und erledige die letzten sachen.nachher hab ich noch so ne komischhe informationsveranstaltung hab gar keine lust darauf.Heut abend bin ich bei meiner cousine die hat geburtstag.Wuensch dir noch ne schoene woche und danke das du fuer mich einkaufen warst:-)
    Hab dich lieb
