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Palisades Mall...

On Saturday i went after my workout in the morning with Ben (picture) and Lawrence to the Palisades Mall. It was a pretty good time and we talked a lot with ben about his whole fiancé thing and tried to make clear that it is not a good thing just to stay engaged just of the fear that the other person will kill herself if you break up with her. Long story... Weird story!!! Probably you guys don't know what i am talking about, but anyways... At the Mall we watched the movie "Why did we get married?" (how matching *lol*), shopped a littel for ben, who wanted some new shirts and went to this cool restaurant. (pic) THe food was delicious and super fresh. It was one of those again, where you go to a buffet and pic you veggies, sauces etc and they cook it then in front of you. That looks always so great! And was pretty much it. The time with the cadets always just flys away and is so much fun!!! And since i haven't seen lawrence for long time ;) i enjoyed that too... BYE BYE**

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