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Dreaming, Wishing, Hunting...

After graduation the world is yours! You are hungry for a new challenge and want to learn as much as possible. You take a break "to find yourself", see some parts of the world that you always wanted to see and find yourself lusting for more

Being a recent undergraduate myself I know what it feels like to dream big and to have the urge to flip the page to the next chapter. A lot of my friends are actually also "on the hunt" for the perfect job at the moment. Some want to go to Mexico to follow their heart and learn the language, others quit their job to travel and escape that old job that they hated and some just want to finally get started full speed in their dream job. 

Well, I felt like there are so many emotions and feelings connected with the process of making the "first steps" into the job world I somehow want to find out about the different reasons people do what they do. I am starting with my friends and you can expect to see some short stories about their goals, dreams, disappointments and other adventures... 
BUT, if you feel like you would like to contribute your story I WOULD be thrilled if you do so! Just shoot me a message and I will get in touch with you asap!

Until then: One of the coolest C.V.'s out there :) 


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