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"Save the Loop" and bye bye Florida!!! :*(

On our last day the weather was great again! Perfect for a little tour of that natural resort called "Save the loop". So we jumped all into the car (Grandma, Heidi, Lawrence and i) and drove around that beautiful area! Just stunning and so different to the landscape in New York or DC or anything i saw before! After that we continued driving around those expensive houses on the beach. Most of them are owned by real rich people, like the son of the coke company, the owner of Tropical sunscreen,... i honestly can't remember all those names anymore, but it was great to see those houses to have a aim for life *haha* !!! but then the time had come to say good bye! During the flight back Lawrence and i really just wanted to go back again, especially when we saw all that snow on the ground as soon as we got close to home ;) But when i arrived home it was nice too, because most of my christmas presents had arrived when i was gone ;) Second x-mas ! *yey*


  1. Anonymous1/27/2008

    Hey Taty
    schön das das noch geklappt hat mit den Photos und den neuen Blogs. Die Photos sehen echt super aus. Sieht aus als wenn das echt ein super Urlaub war. Wünsche dir weiterhin viel Spaß.. Hugs and Kisses Pia

  2. Anonymous2/01/2008

    Hi du
    Also ich hab diese woche noch frei aber ich kümmer mich mal nächste woche wegen dem studiengang und schau mal was sich da so machen lässt. Hab meine Prüfungen alle hinter mir, jetzt bin ich mal auf die ergebnisse gespannt. Wünsch dir ein wunderschönes weekend
    Hab dich lieb
