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Only one more sleep...

Here I am. In bed and supposed to go to sleep as fast as I can (because then time always flies). Obviously this isn't the case. There are simply too many thoughts in my head at the moment. Excited to finally (!!) see my boyfriend again after his 9 month deployment and to snuggle with my puppy Lotti again (which I haven't seen for over 2 months). 

On the other side I am really dreading to leave the US again. Its been such a great summer, I met the nicest people, got lost in great conversations with strangers, saw amazing places (here, here, here and so many more), listened to good music, got a tan, took my job hunt seriously, read a lot of great literature (online and offline) and and and. 

But really, for the first time I realize that the saying "Home is where your is" probably describes my situation the best right now. If I were to choose to stay here for a little longer for travel purposes or to go back to Bamberg (or even the most boring place on the planet) in order to see my little family, I would certainly decide for the second option. 

Here I come home! Oh but America, I'll be back after I tried on some new Dirndl's and ate some fresh pretzels :)

Been there before! Re-deployment surprise in Vizenca, Italy! Lawrence had no idea that I would show up :)

Snuggle buddy #1

Love to run - can't wait to explore the trails during the summer time. Half marathon route - here I come again! 

Bamberg, Germany - The Beer City 
(that even convinces a girl that rarely drinks alcohol to share a glass of "Schlenkerla" with some friends)


Dreaming, Wishing, Hunting...

After graduation the world is yours! You are hungry for a new challenge and want to learn as much as possible. You take a break "to find yourself", see some parts of the world that you always wanted to see and find yourself lusting for more

Being a recent undergraduate myself I know what it feels like to dream big and to have the urge to flip the page to the next chapter. A lot of my friends are actually also "on the hunt" for the perfect job at the moment. Some want to go to Mexico to follow their heart and learn the language, others quit their job to travel and escape that old job that they hated and some just want to finally get started full speed in their dream job. 

Well, I felt like there are so many emotions and feelings connected with the process of making the "first steps" into the job world I somehow want to find out about the different reasons people do what they do. I am starting with my friends and you can expect to see some short stories about their goals, dreams, disappointments and other adventures... 
BUT, if you feel like you would like to contribute your story I WOULD be thrilled if you do so! Just shoot me a message and I will get in touch with you asap!

Until then: One of the coolest C.V.'s out there :) 


Inspiration #4

I can't tell you precisely why I love this shot of a kitchen, but the simple combination of white (lots of white!) space, wood and green just make me happy. Definitely going into my "apartment inspiration" folder! Like it, or not so much?

THE best invention ever! A fairly new chain is opening its doors in more areas (still didn't hit Atlanta, but let's cross our fingers that it will). A "fast food chain" called Sweetgreen ( that lets you eat healthy and "real" food. WANT TO GO! WANT TO GO! (I am also still on the hunt for a shot of grass from jamba juice. Seems like there aren't too many around in this area :( )

Love the idea! Keeping the working space as clean and organized as it should be!

Maddie the Coonhound! My favorite blog lately!

Getting ready to look at some butterflies and turtles here in a little bit :) 


Alpharetta Farmers Market

Although I live in Johns Creek (which kind of belongs to Alpharetta, or is often even referred to as one city... Nobody really understands it) I finally went to a local farmers' market in "downtown" Alpharetta. The LIONS club was selling brooms and light bulbs - which is a traditional activity of theirs - so we took the chance and stopped by while enjoying the charm of the little stands of the local sales people. 

Uli and myself strolled around and admired the feeling of this place. Loved to see vegetables that weren't all perfect and of course the fact that you get to try all those delicious home made cookies, hummus's, doggy treats (Yes, Lotti! Of course Mama got you some), etc. etc. 

This Saturday there was also an Art's and Craft market connected to the "regular" farmer's market which gave us even more time to soak in the special atmosphere. If you are looking for a relaxing stroll, some fresh fruit/veggies, some great bread or a healthy lunch - you should definitely put this market on your to do list. Its nothing exceptionally special and I've been to many of those markets before, but it simply gives you the nice feeling for the weekend :)

This was the balcony of a fashion store. The fern, a view over the market and those red (very comfy) seats made this a perfect place for bringing a book. (Not sure if the owner would be ok with it :) )
Cheesy alert! :)


Ready for Atlanta again!

Hello hello!
Today I will head to Atlanta for a little different occasion!
Very happy and thrilled to meet the people. 
This doesn't make sense to you? 
I'll tell you all about it later!
Happy Weekend everyone!


Inspiration #3

Manhattanhenge a couple of weeks ago! It only occurs about twice a year when the setting sun aligns with the east and west streets in Manhattan. Didn't have the chance to see it while living only an hour away from it. I should put it on my to-do list for next year. Summer in the city is never a bad idea! (summer stage, frozen yoghurt in Bryant Park, a boat ride in central park and the best sushi and thai food at Tao...) Alright, alright, I will have to stop now. 



Countdown to Love

Picture: by Luca Gerda Laszlo
Finally! It isn't all frustrating anymore to go to those homepages that create a countdown for you, because there are only about 6 days 11 hours and 38 Minutes left until I see Lorenzo AND my puppy again! 

Naturally, there are so possible scenario's in my head how it is going to be to see both of them again (plus all those dreams I had about seeing my tiny family again), but I know from experience that it will be different no matter how many possibilities I make up. The human imagination will never get close to reality of you seeing your boyfriend again that you didn't see/smell/touch/laugh with/etc. for 9 months :) 

Glad to have him back home soon to eat watermelon, enjoy a glass of wine in a park close by, to go on long bike rides that have a lake as final destination (or a beer garden :) ) or the simple nights with a cheap movie and even cheaper chinese food! 

You got to love countdowns :)


Food for the soul! Peaches, Chicken, Phish Phood plus a grill

Tonights dinner was amazing! We finally got the grill going again and had a heavenly meal. Here you go (take some napkins, I promise you will start drooling! 

As we all usually like desert the best. Let's do this backwards! 

 The star of the meal! Phish Food! Long time no fishies melting on my tongue. Too good to be true! Dear Ben and Jerry's, please NEVER EVER think to bury this friend on your cemetery! 


Peaches (I drizzled some Gorgonzola cheese on one piece, delicious combo with chicken!!) 

+ freshly grilles corn on the cob, grilled onion from Georgia and some lettuce 

Happy eating! (or sleeping after all this food) 


Inspiration #2

 Fava Bean Salad with Mint and Ricotta Cheese - sounds so tasty and looks even better, doesn't it? 

Eye Candy Deluxe! More... 

I scream *Hey* - you scream I(ce) (s)Cream!

How could it be better? Combination of three cultures in one: American (Sundae Ice Cream Glass), Italian (Gelato) and German (Pretzel)

In love with J. Crew - During my hunt for the perfect outfit for a job interview three nice ladies stood by my side to make the journey a very pleasant and fun one! Wouldn't mind getting this outfit as well! 

Lotti Love!

How could I not miss my puppy? 


Extremely Surprising Surprise & Atlanta Part Two

Last night something happened that completely caught me off guard! It had been a rough day and I felt a little off (for no reason, maybe I can blame it on the weather :) ). So Evelyn and Mike decided to take me out to a German restaurant close by. It was so delicious and the best part was that I was able to take a sip of home by drinking a "Schlenkerla Doppelbock". All of the sudden I hear my name (thinking that drinking a beer isn't be best idea if you usually don't drink that much) and who do I see? Will!!! Will?? Really? What is happening? But yes, it is Will a friend of mine that spend his year abroad in Bamberg, Germany! He doesn't even live close to Johns Creek, but yes, that's certainly him! 

What a nice/freaky surprise, or? 

Only happened to me once before: At a Starbucks in Grand Central Station in Manhattan. I turned around and see my former classmate! I am still trying to understand how things like this happen. It was definitely the highlight of the day! 

Enough of the sentimental talk :) Here part two of our trip to Atlanta!

Think outside the box! ATL = Atlanta playground at Woodroff park 

Feel the breeeeeze? Taking the train was a refreshing thing to do!

Roses at the Martin Luther King Jr. World Rose Garden. This beauty respresents Mrs. Coretta Scott King's oneness with Dr. King and her continuation of his work. Interested to read more about it? 

Vivid piece of art in front of the museum showcasing the problems that Martin Luther King Jr. - with the help of other people - were fighting!

Talking about a hero! Magnificent view, isn't it? Somewhere between Auburn Avenue and Edgewood Avenue

Blue sky, rain, blue sky? This is a very strange summer!

Famous FOX theatre in Midtown. It is such a pretty/old school theatre which intrigues me to book tickets for the next 20 weekends in advance :)

After a very long day of walking around and digesting all the information. It was time for an early dinner. Panera Bread was our choice. Nothing fancy, however it sparked our senses anyways :)

Back at home! Look at my new tan! Even though it is raining every now and then and I apply SPF 30 all the time, my skin still gets this gloomy look that I don't mind! 


Inspiration #1

Steve Jobs was such an inspiring man. "Re-readging" (audio book, so I can still move around a bit while reading) it today. But to start that designated Steve Jobs day, here his classic:

or to try something new:


ATL! ATL! ATL! - Part One

It is never enough to drive through a city and even though I already went to the World of Coca Cola, the World's Largest Aquarium and the American History Center in Atlanta, it was about that time to stroll around and soak in the atmosphere. 

Although we weren't able to see everything in one day I got a good impression of the city. 
Funny thing is that the streets are so empty in comparison to New York. Often times we were the only ones using the pedestrian walk. 

Here is what we enjoyed doing today (part one): 
- Taking the MARTA (train/aka KISS RIDE) to Atlanta 
- Walked around Five Points and the Underground Mall
- Enjoying the lively atmosphere in Woodruff (chess players, live music and activity parcour) and Hurt Park
- Peaking inside Munical Market or also called Sweet Auburn Curb market offering everything from pig tails to delicious water melons
- First "official" stop was at Martin Luther Kind Jr. National Historic Site 
- AND the Ebenezer Baptist Church (magical place! Somehow you get a feeling of how important this place was for changing America)

- Part Two to Follow -

Friday afternoon in Atlanta (Woodroff Park) 

Taty in need for kisses :)

Random peach on the street. I guess we are in the Peach State!

Highlight of the first part of the walking tour: Marting Luther King Jr. Museum
(definitely worth to stop by. It gives you a short and very vivid overview of the ideas this great man had. Rose garden, paintings and walk of fame in front of the museum are just as inviting as the museum as such. No entrance fee, however a small donation is encouraged.

Atlanta, here I come!

Being so busy with road trips, tennis, applications and writing essays I never made it to midtown Atlanta. So today I decided it is about time to explore the city by walking around at the feet of those skyscrapers.Walking tour is printed, restaurant recommendations received and friend will pick me up in a little bit.  

Atlanta, here I come! 
(expectations are quite high as New York and Stockholm are my favorite cities. But as mommy always told me "You first have to try it, then you can say that you aren't in love :)")

Oh and before I forget: Starbucks evenings is a great invention. Very nice "bar tender" who is willing to explain all the differences of each wine, lets you sample it and checks on you if you like it. Put that together with a nice summer evening and a good friend = et voila, you have a cozy evening! Go try it yourself if you have the chance!

(my favorite part about it: the little sayings on the glasses. Here: "Take a moment or three")


Starbucks evenings...

Tonight is the night! I am grabbing a friend and try the new Starbucks concept! It is very interesting how my passion for Starbucks revived after hitting American ground. Other coffee is simply not as good. (I really need to get my italian coffee maker over here!) 

Tasty appetizers and an assortment of different wines is offered. I'll tell you more about it tomorrow. I am pretty sure that it will be a nice place to be with a friend though!



Night life and other cultural differences

It has been quite a while that I wrote about cultural differences. Well, first thing I looked at in a looong time was the homepage of Geert Hofstede - the Guru of cultural differences. Funny thing was, that I wasn't really explain the little things that I picked up in the daily life with those dimensions. (although the bigger picture is so accurate that it is almost scary. Give it a shot and compare your country - or the countries you have traveled to - on his homepage. Beware though: You can easily get stuck and spend hours picking different comparisons :) 

Anyways: Here my "new" insights!

Clubbing in the US
As you probably read earlier this week, I went out last Saturday and had a lot of fun. The music was amazing and it was hilarious to experience the "openness" of those "party people" that even make a face when two girls help another to put sunscreen on each others backs. Guys "dance up" to you. Dirty dancing deluxe! It seems like there is nothing that isn't allowed as long as the clothes stay on. Still not sure how American's can be so prude while being to open in a club. 

Marriage and Co. 
The desire to get married, have kids etc. is still a lot higher in the US. Everybody talks about it or gives you a look if you tell them that you don't see the purpose of getting married. This is such a major difference to Germans (or may I even say Europeans, still figuring that out :) ). People often only get married to save taxes (sad. very sad), but well, in today's system where girls/woman get more and more independent there is really no reason to get married anymore. Whereas in the US it seems to be similar to a nice car, house or big TV. Marriage and having kids is somehow a status symbol, even if it is the "happily ever after #5" :) 

All of this is fun and to be honest I didn't expect to still recognize so many differences or situations where I can't rely on my knowledge. Having studied in the Netherlands (country of very modern and open/honest people) and lived in the country of the harsh and often rude sounding language (Germany) didn't help all that much to understand the "ohhh you look great" kind of attitude as well anymore. 

However, I truly love it when people tell you that they like your haircut, dress, smile or anything else. Always makes me feel a little happier and optimistic. THAT is something American's know to create! 

Alright, enough of that cultural bla bla. Here one of my favorite video's from youtube (probably only REALLY funny for people that know English AND German):

To-Do List: Stone Mountain

Stone Mountain is very close to Atlanta. After seeing this picture of the trip to the "Bodensee/Lake Constance" it is obvious again that I should better get going.
It's on the travel to-do list now. Pictures are to follow :) 
Have a nice day everyone!



When it comes to books I prefer reading "serious stuff" like business related books or literature that describes great personalities (I absolutely loved the Exclusive Biography of Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson). Although I did read (and enjoy) Fifty Shades of Grey (I know, I know, so predictable and mainstream** But for once I had to go with the flow as I didn't read Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. So don't judge me :) ) I somehow can't get into romantic literature. 

Last week I started reading Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder by Nassim Nicholas Taleb and I absolutely love it! It describes how people are supposed to be challenged, pushed or even stressed out in order to grow. Best example he gives is the fact that muscles become weaker when they aren't trained and that same applies for the mind if we get stuck in our routine or habit. 

Reading this made me realize that I have to focus on trying even more new things as a new sport, new hobby, developing a new skill or pushing myself further to achieve better results (gosh* Does this mean I have to start training for the full marathon so I can beat my accomplishment of the half marathon? *puh* I don't know. Maybe it is about that time to test my tennis skills in a couple of matches!). 

Any ideas how to gain from disorder? (Automatic rejection of starting to have a messy apartment: not a big fan :) )

So, tonight I will try that and eat some sushi at a completely unknown place *uhh ahh* :) 
Can't wait. 



Smoothie passion...

About a year ago I did one of those detoxifications. 7 days of fun! The funny story is that I bought detoxification tea simply because I liked the turquoise color of the Kusmi tea packaging. While I drank my new tea I simply googled around for some simple detox ideas. A week after that I was serious to have my very first "real" detox experience. It was a full success! I wasn't all that into coffee or Gummibären afterwards and found a new great drink. Still drinking it every now and then for breakfast. It includes: 
- 5 slugs 
- 2 Shreks 
- hand full of spinach 
- hand full of four-leaf sorrel
Add together with coconut water, ice and blend it! 
:) (Here is the real recipe, and yes, it sounds nasty at first, but it is very delicious) 



European memories: Åhus 2012

Sweden - Åhus - 2012

Last summer I visited my friend Myh in Sweden. Åhus is her hometown and although the weather wasn't all that great (it is southern Sweden) we still had a lot of fun stepping through the doors of the Absolut Vodka museum, indulging a craving for the best ice cream on the planet or simply enjoy a bike ride along the harbor (in the rain) :) 

Unfortunately my bad luck with camera's already began last summer when I realized that all of the sudden ALL pictures of the trip were gone. Except for a few, the magical view of the beach was one of them. 
